Crafted in Love: A Quiet Day for Lent 2024

Saturday 16th March, 10.30am – 4pm, Church Centre, Christ Church, 6a Morningside Road, Edinburgh, Cost £35 (£20 concession) includes lunch

“Go down to the potter’s house…” the prophet Jeremiah was told, “and there I will give you my lesson.” If we consider God as craftsman, what do we learn about God, and about ourselves? This Quiet Day is an invitation to pause and contemplate the loving craftsmanship of God who continues to make us, who places “treasures in jars of clay”. It will include guided reflection, individual quiet time and the chance to reflect while using craft materials.

This Quiet Day is designed to stand alone or to be complementary to the Lent Reflections series, The Craftsman.

The day will draw on a mix of reflective approaches and creative material including art, poetry, Scripture, writing and music, and there will be an opportunity to use craft materials. A buffet lunch is provided, as is coffee and cake. Please book by Friday 8th March if possible. To book, contact